What is COVID-19 Asymptomatic? | Coronavirus Asymptomatic | Should you t...

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Today I am going to discuss COVID-19 “asymptomatic!” Dear friend, do you know, what is COVID-19 “Asymptomatic”? You have been hearing this term for around two months or more. Have you ever wondered why this term has been in the news! 

Today’s blog is dedicated to COVID-19 “asymptomatic” or asymptomatic Coronavirus. Here, we will discuss some of the common questions related to this term.You can also check out this video related to COVID-19 Asymptomatic here. Below are the questions and relevant answers related to  COVID-19 “Asymptomatic”:

Q1. What is the meaning of the term “asymptomatic”?

Ans. The term “asymptomatic” means that there are “no symptoms.” This term is generally used when despite having infections, the patient doesn’t show any symptoms or has no visible symptoms related to the disease though infection is present. 

Q2. What is the relation between “asymptomatic” and “COVID-19” or “Coronavirus?” or How “asymptomatic” is important in the case of COVID-19? 

Ans. It has been found that most of the COVID-19 patients have either mild or no symptoms at all for the disease. According to some of the medical journals and magazines, early research suggested that the asymptomatic COVID-19 cases could be about 40 to 50% of total cases. However, according to WHO, the percentage of asymptomatic patients could be even more to about 80%

Q3. Why is there so much buzz around “asymptomatic” COVID-19?

Ans. As we know that Coronavirus is a deadly virus and COVID-19 is a deadly infectious disease, it is really important to take precautions to not get infected. Although people who have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic don’t suffer due to the disease, they act as a carrier for the disease. These people sometimes even don’t know that they have a disease and so as their family members or friends! However, they might be infecting their close connections. So, it is very important to understand that asymptomatic COVID-19 patients can infect other people very easily as they have no visible symptoms and they look as they are healthy. This is the reason, we have been asked to follow social distancing and to take other required precautions.

Q4. Do these asymptomatic COVID-19 patients need hospitalization or critical care?

Ans. Probably not! As we have discussed that most of the COVID-19 patients either have mild to moderate or have no symptoms (asymptomatic) of the disease, these people do not need hospitalization. Only about 15% of the COVID-19 patients get a severe infection that may require hospitalization and oxygen whereas, 5% of overall COVID-19 patients get critical infections that may require ventilation.

Now, I hope, you would have a better idea of what “asymptomatic COVID-19” is and why we have been told to maintain social distancing, wearing a mask, maintaining hygiene, and staying away from crowded places! We should strictly follow all the precautionary guidelines as you never know that the person whom you think looks perfectly healthy is a carrier of COVID-19! As we know that precaution is better than cure and in the case of a novel Coronavirus, precaution is “everything” as there is no approved drug or vaccine for this virus in any of the countries in the world. So, dear friends, stay safe, stay connected, and try to take natural immunity boosters to boost your immunity against infections.


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