How I Found My Morning Motivation?: Getting Up Early In the Morning


I always procrastinated with the habit of getting up early in the morning even though I like waking up in the early hours of the day!

Isn’t it STRANGE?

The main reason behind this is the lack of MOTIVATION. You must be aware of the power of motivation. If you feel motivated for anything or a habit, you will continue doing it for a long time.

Here for me, the motivation to get up EARLY in the morning was lacking. Being a healthcare researcher, I am well aware of the pros and cons of waking up early in the morning and exercising, etc. I usually tell my friends, family, and people around me to find time to do some physical activity to increase the blood flow in the body and feel energetic.

So, I decided to find that MOTIVATION for me🙂

Lately, for the Navratri event, we decided to prepare for a group dance performance and kept the practice time to 5:30 AM. Yeah… all set, I finally got something to keep myself motivated for at least a few days until the Navratri event. Every day, we gathered at a common place and practiced for about an hour. I felt so good and overwhelmed that I couldn’t even explain.

All my friends in the group were doing practice mainly to prepare for the event but here I was, super excited! 😂 I tell you WHY…? 

- I had a group to connect with in the morning with the same objective/goal (fitness)

- Dance is the best form of physical activity that one can do without realizing that he/she is exercising for better health and longevity.

- Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies or activities.

- For a long time I wanted to create a network of like-minded people who have a simple aim to remain healthy and fit even with their busy lifestyle and this is just the start of my networking journey🙂

The whole Navratri event went awesome and so was our group performance. But what next? I was annoyed… again thinking that I would not have any motivation to wake up early in the morning🙁

So, I decided to ask my dance group members if any of them were interested in joining me for a morning walk or exercise and make it a daily habit. And guess what…? I found a few of my group members who later became friends to join my morning club. 

Now, I feel motivated to get up every day early in the morning at around 5 AM and have a group of people with a goal to exercise, walk, and do physical activity. We call this “Morning Club” and have a few of my friends added to this group. 

The Morning Club group aims to motivate each other to stay fit by doing some kind of physical activity. Sometimes, we simply walk for about 30 minutes while the other day, we prefer doing aerobics or Zumba.

WHAT can be a part of your Morning routine:

  • Do some yoga poses or Surya Namaskar

  • Aerobics or Zumba

  • Simple physical exercise or jogging

  • If you have some kind of health issues or as per your age, you can simply opt for a brisk morning walk

  • Meditation

  • Stretching

Here is WHY this active morning routine is important for all of us:

  • Irrespective of your age, being physically active, not only makes you feel energetic throughout the day, it promotes mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Exercising increases blood circulation in the body and helps each of our body cells to remain healthy.

  • In today’s world when everyone is seeking ways to lose some extra pounds and reduce belly fat, exercising and making an active morning routine would help you achieve this without any hassle.

Do you get up early in the morning… what time do you prefer to wake up in the morning and why?

Also, tell me what keeps you motivated to continue doing something you wish to or making a habit.


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